June 19, 2009 12:20 by Guy Incognito
Is this DW3 or Metal Gear Solid?
June 19, 2009 10:48 by Adam
I think the crates are indeed plotting to take over the world. On a technical note, I decided to make each ship cargo an NPC companion, which theoretically lets you take them from module to module. Cargo and equipment are inventory items, and all the scripts do a lot of inventory management stuff. In retrospect, I should have stuck with variables on items, which are easier to work with. Ah, live and learn.
June 18, 2009 11:48 by Melody
For some odd reason, I found the crate following me around at a distance ever so slightly menacing, don't ask me why. Chapter 3 just blew me away. There is so much creativity and fun packed into this, it's just staggering.
June 18, 2009 10:15 by Easthaven
Hi, Adam. I just wanted to thank you again for your work with the Dark Waters adventures. I just replayed chapter 1 and about half chapter 2 for the third (!) time. Going to test chapter 3 when I complete chapter 2. Keep up the good work. I feel kinda bad for writing these short unimaginative words of appreciation for such a vast project. Just wanted to reiterate how much I appretiate your work. Cheers!
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