July 02, 2009 07:34 by andgalf

Ok, the Manual install version seemed to have worked for me. I used the program Get Right to download it as when I downloaded it with the downloader in Firefox, I didn't get the whole file for some reason.

July 02, 2009 06:50 by andgalf

I have the same problem as Burnheart with the full version. Downloading the manual version right now. Hopefully it will work.

July 01, 2009 12:01 by DeathAngel

I've got a error message when I tried to start up it was missing custom talk table. Any help would be appreciated.

June 29, 2009 11:04 by Burnheart

Just finished downloading and extracting the manual version and it said there is one corrupt music file.

June 29, 2009 10:01 by Burnheart

I have just downloaded the full version and been told the installer is incomplete or corrupted. I don't know if this is a problem with your files or my computer so i thought i should say something. I will try the manual install version now as that should work.

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