I now have all the traps scripted and in the ...
June 19, 2003 by Adam in NWN1
I now have all the traps scripted and in the game, though not tested very well. There are quite a few things I need to tweak, but I'm happy with the progress I've made. I cleaned up the scripts as best I can, making a single include file for the majority of the scripts.
I also have all the rooms for the player's keep in the tileset. They've been placed and I've connected them all via some fancy-shmancy scripting. This screenshot is the library, which Danmar put together for the interior tileset project.
I got my second machine back in order, getting the CD key stuff all straightened out. My multiplayer test worked, unfortunately, so I'm trying to figure out what's happening in this one person's case.
Now that SoU is out, I can talk a bit on the beta. First off, I think the intent was to get it to me much sooner. The readme mentioned "weeks" until it was on the shelf, when in reality it was less than a week. The joy of approval steps, I suppose. The other very weird thing was that all the textures appeared to have been extra low quality, presumably to keep the download size small and perhaps to dissuade piracy. It had the effect of making it look like I was moving through an impressionist painting, with blurry creatures leaping from equally blurry rooms. Still, I'm a Bioware fanboy, and I'll hopefully pick up the expansion today. Not sure when I'll be able to play it, but I'll want it for my building efforts in any case.
I can tell already that there's going to be some fun and excitement around the .2da files in my modules. People with SoU who play will likely experience some weirdness with certain new spells. After the 1.30 patch is released, I'll need to do some major updates to the hak packs for at least three of them. Ah, the joys of supporting all the old stuff.