Dragonlance Adventures released their first w...

June 29, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

Dragonlance Adventures released their first work, a very nicely done sewer tileset. I've been playing with it this morning and it's lots of fun to play with. Excellent atmosphere. I'm fairly sure it'll make it into the module.

I've been following the DLA group for the last few months and have started to get increasingly excited about their work. They had a chat yesterday which talks in great detail about their project. They even mentioned me specifically (thanks guys).

I do admit to a pang of jealousy towards both the CODI and DLA groups. They made the decision long ago that their projects would be huge, size-wise, and they wouldn't worry about keeping their content easily downloadable by modem users. I find myself sweating over every texture not in the game, forsaking nice goodies such as load screens and new music. The hak pack for my next project will probably be larger than the Dreamcatcher ones. I may also do a "big" and "little" version, so to appease both groups. Harder to work with, but I think it'll keep everyone happy.

I plugged away on the module yesterday, running into a series of small annoying problems. I was having problems creating placeables - they kept crashing the game, which I've never seen happen. I also worked more on the trap effects, as I realized they weren't complete (one doesn't even have a script attached yet). Finally, the annoying problem with the Tainted model is back. Time to go through the animations again and see what's up.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.