Progress continues

January 27, 2006 by Adam in NWN2

Progress continues. I did a few more walkthroughs of a non-voice version of the Firestarter module last night, so I'm fairly satisfied that things are working as I want them. The only minor change was adding a few more alignment changes through a particular dialog. If you really pushed it, you could swing a full ten points in evil (which is always the easiest to gain), nearly that many for chaotic and lawful, and six or so points towards good alignment. I'm not sure all my side quests will change alignment quite so much or have quite this many options, but it's a nice goal when I can manage it.

In any case, I hope to upload the contest entry this morning when time permits. Hopefully it'll be received well.

I also worked more on Woodhaven, adding in more dialog. Strangely, I'm more excited about what happens after the quest is resolved than the quest itself. Right now the dialog I'm writing feels like the necessary support for the interesting aspects of the area. There's lots of scripting that goes along with it too, hopefully something I can make some serious progress with today.

The voice actors continue to do their thing. I'm hoping that within a week or so, I'll have all of Firestarter finished. Voice acting in a game completely changes the way it sounds. Great stuff.

Update: Okay, the game submission is in. The tentative plan is to upload the version with the voice acting in a week or so. Already we're finishing up the last of the voice acting. Very exciting.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.