I finally got a chance to start attaching the...

May 03, 2006 by Adam in NWN2

I finally got a chance to start attaching the dialog for Heather and was simply blown away. It's amazing. Allyndyn did a great job technically, and the quality of the recordings is very professional. His wife did an amazing job as an actress, bringing life to dry words. I'm going to try to finish attaching the dialog today. Usually such tasks are a chore, but it's so much fun to hear her speak that I'm eager to jump back into it.

I finished typing up the last of the dialog I'd written on my trip. The main quests in the module should essentially be finished. I still need a fair bit of polish and would still like to throw in a couple minor adventure areas. The henchmen need lots more to say, for example. Still, I'm pretty happy with the direction things are going.

Today's picture is again from NWN2. I find myself imagining some of the areas and characters I've prototyped in NWN redone for NWN2. With luck, Dark Waters will be better looking than I'd hoped.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.