While the creatures in Pirate Cards tend to b...
October 13, 2006 by Adam in NWN2
While the creatures in Pirate Cards tend to be the most flashy, spells like Ship's Surgeon deserve mention. This spell is very simple, healing your avatar in proportion to the focus gem's you have in play. Early in the game, it's not that great a card. Late in the game, with lots of gems in play, it can easily turn the tide.
The Proctor dialog is in the game and cleaned up. It's timely, as I'm working on the level with the Proctor at the moment. The tiles are down and I'm copying as much from the prototype as I'm able. It's not perfect - placeable importing produces errors and the creatures seem a little funky when I bring them across. Still, having most everything else come across is a huge help. After that, it's putting down doors, placeables, adding some variety to the appearance of the creatures, and so on.
Testing is going to be time consuming, as it's easy for me to leave out some small detail. There's also some things that require a model importer, but it looks like folks are working hard on that.
The voice actors continue to amaze and astound. Wendy put together quite a bit of audio for me to peruse. I'm doing some more recording this weekend with a coworker who has a great pirate voice. Good times.