One of the nice things about having all these...

November 14, 2006 by Adam in NWN2

One of the nice things about having all these Pirate Cards graphics is that I can whip out a screenshot on a dime. Today's card is Lighting Bolt. It's simple, cheap, and very effective. It does a whopping twenty points of damage to the biggest creature. Even better, if there's no creature on the playing field, it'll hit your opponent's avatar. It's an easy way to get an early edge in the game. Still, you can only have four in your deck and it's often better to have creatures which deal damage turn after turn. One of the nice things about the game is that there's lots of different ways to win.

It's been crazy busy today and I'm completely failing to keep up with my various correspondences again. I did manage a bit of QA time this morning. Lots of things don't work properly, though some things miraculously did. The henchmen can now be controlled and come back to life after combat, just like the official campaign.

If one party member survives a fight, the plan is to have them come back to life. I used to think this made combat too easy, until I was completely wiped out by poor planning on my part. Saving periodically is a good idea.

I'm going to try to hunker down and work on fixing the major bugs, getting things to a point where QA can actually play through a bit. Until then, it's mostly just a collection of pretty areas that don't work right.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.