I fiddled some more with the meaty looking ar...

October 05, 2007 by Adam in NWN2

I fiddled some more with the meaty looking area, currently called "In the Belly of the Beast" of something equally dramatic. The door frames look silly, so I tried to make some bone framing for effect. It also needs some goopy looking things on the floor so that it's not just wall-to-wall meat.

Of course, the game currently crashes when I test it out, so I'm likely doing something wrong. I'm thinking it might be the format of the texture files, so I may end up making some custom textures (I'm currently reusing the terrain ones).

I also hit a major milestone today. I finally got all the sound clips chopped up, attached, and the lipsynch animation files generated. I have 1,253 voice clips for the second act, all of which I've fiddled with in one way or another. If I can summon the energy, I'm going to work on making a new build and see if I can do some light testing to make sure the thing generally works.

I'm probably not completely done with the voice work. I have some Lord Brighton clips that should be coming my way. There's some miscellaneous characters I'd like to work in. Still, it feels like I'm nearly there, assuming the next round of debugging goes well.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.