I've found myself in this situation more than...

October 25, 2007 by Adam in NWN2

I've found myself in this situation more than once, my player standing knee-deep in the ocean, various ships plying the sea around me. I'd feel like something out of a Japanese monster movie, but everyone else seems so calm about it.

It turns out that I let some important scripts move from the module to the campaign folder, and bad scripts were overriding good scripts. Once I got rid of them, the world was a happy place once again.

Yesterday was spent cleaning up miscellaneous small issues. The Iron Mountain dock area has a little mine cart that comes out of some big doors and a dwarf pokes at it. It's just background, but I still ended up fiddling with it until it looked relatively good. The dockmaster there also sells iron ore, which he didn't before. He was also incredibly small, probably a product of earlier fiddling due to 2da changes.

As for today, I spent a big chunk of time getting a new build to the testers. Occasionally it's a headache moving 160 MB files around. I'm half tempted to throw money at the problem and just get a place to host big files. My poor little closet server might work in a pinch, but the bandwidth is pretty marginal.

With luck, I'll get endless bug reports soon, along with the inevitable sobs and head bonking against walls that come with them. I can't wait.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.