A magical tree is draining energy from a nearby portal. Destruction of the tree
will reactivate the portal. Unfortunately, the tree is inaccessable beyond a
river of lava. Ranged weapons or spells would be required to destroy the tree.
A huge pile of cheap jewelry sits in a heap. When used, a conversation pops up. They have the option of trying to identify a valuable jewel. If they pick the wrong one, it will be worth 0gp and weigh 1 lb. If they pick the correct one, it will be worth 100gp (though there are only 3). Success is a DC30, with bonuses for INT and WIS. Thieves get an added +4 bonus. Create an area where cooperation is required. One player must pull a lever to open a door, while the second enters the door to get the treasure. Attach to the OnOpen event: void main() { DelayCommand(2.0, ActionCloseDoor(OBJECT_SELF)); } Create a leaf that can be combined with arrows to create poisoned arrows. There's a chance that you yourself get poised. Heal, lore, and spellcraft boost chance, as well as INT & DEX. Arcasta's Castle Set Recently created by a high ranking priestess in the church of the Red Knight, Arcasta's Castle Sets are gaining popularity among tactical groups of adventurers. The sets consist of two chess pieces. Both are typically carried in a small wooden or metal case. One piece is always a rook and the other is always a king. The pieces may be made of any fine material, but generally are crafted out of easily broken substances. The pieces can only be activated if they are both carried by creatures with a clear physical path to each other. When one of the pieces is broken, both creatures switch locations via a dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Creatures who do not wish to be transported must make a Will save against dimension door as though it were cast by the item's creator. A successful save indicates that the magic of the item transported neither party, but was still expended in the endeavor. Any time one of the pieces is broken, both pieces are always destroyed. Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, refuge or dimension door; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb. source // On ItemActivate module event void main() { object oItem = GetItemActivated(); object oPC = GetItemActivator(); string sItem = GetTag(oItem); if ((sItem == "CastleSetRook") || (sItem == "CastleSetKing")) { object oSource; object oDestination; object oNotHeld; if(sItem == "CastleSetRook") { oSource = GetObjectByTag("CastleSetRook"); oDestination = GetObjectByTag("CastleSetKing"); oNotHeld = oDestination; } else { oSource = GetObjectByTag("CastleSetKing"); oDestination = GetObjectByTag("CastleSetRook"); oNotHeld = oSource; } // Make sure the other one is held object oPossessor = GetItemPossessor(oNotHeld); if (GetIsObjectValid(oPossessor)) { if(GetDistanceBetween(oPC, oPossessor) < 50.0) { location lSource = GetLocation(oSource); location lDestination = GetLocation(oDestination); AssignCommand(oSource, ClearAllActions()); AssignCommand(oSource, ActionJumpToLocation(lDestination)); AssignCommand(oDestination, ClearAllActions()); AssignCommand(oDestination, ActionJumpToLocation(lSource)); } else { AssignCommand(oPC, ActionSpeakString("You are too far apart.", TALKVOLUME_WHISPER)); } } } } |