I was stuck in ten hours of meetings yesterda...

June 08, 2005 by Adam in NWN2

I was stuck in ten hours of meetings yesterday, along with lots of kid wrangling in the evening, so I didn't touch the toolset once.

Fortunately, this is a great opportunity to praise all the work the team is doing. We're well over 20 people now, from modelers to scripters to writers and testers. I wouldn't claim that I run the most efficient crew on the high seas, but they seem to do fairly well with the bumbling and distracted captain that I am.

Deadman is our new portrait artist and he did a nice sketch of this rugged lass. She struck me as a kindly seafaring wench, able to change a diaper or load a cannon, whatever the situation called for.

GrogMaker whipped up the geometry for a still, one of the placeables I found a need for. Razvan made a nice wall light, a big improvement over my current odd-looking one.

Sunjammer continues to work on the various scripting systems. The socket system is slowly coming out of beta and will hopefully make it into the prototype shortly. You can also wander over to his web site if you're curious as to what he's up to.

Finally, the writers continue to brainstorm ideas and the testers continue to point out the grevious errors in the prototype. For awhile I accidentally had a "chase the naked man" mini-game, which i promptly fixed. Now they're clamoring for a "chase the naked woman" subquest. It seems pirate crews haven't changed much over the years.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.